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ESD to 2030: Art Competition for Schools

The Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD has launched an Art Competition for schools to encourage students to create an artwork exploring Education for Sustainable Development under the theme ‘What Sustainabillity Means to Me’. The aim is of this competition is to encourage students to think creatively about how ESD is implemented in their school or local area and raise awareness of this important area.

Please note that this form must be completed and submitted by email along with the entry to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024. Late entries will not be accepted under any circumstances.

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable Development is a way for people to use resources without the resources running out . The term used by the Brundtland Commission defined it as development with sustainability that ‘meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.

Everyone wants a better place to live. Some people want better homes and housing, while other people want better schools, more jobs, better shops, or cleaner and safer streets. Others may want all these things. Whatever the problems in any neighbourhood, they can usually be grouped into three issues. People need:

  • a better environment – that means green spaces, play areas, no litter, nice gardens, decent houses, less noise and pollution. The resources used should renew over generations.
  • a better economy – that means jobs, reasonable prices, cheaper heat and light, no loan sharks
  • better social conditions – that means good leisure facilities, lots of community groups offering sports and arts, friendly neighbours.

Therefore, it can be said that Sustainabily comprises of three strands. These are:  

Social Sustainability: Equity, health; education; housing; poverty reduction, population growth; gender equity; cultural diversity; citizenship; peace; human rights; democracy; good governance; international cooperation; multilateralism.

Economic Sustainability: Economic growth; poverty; food prices; child labour; social exclusion; debt­ security; production and consumption patterns; corporate responsibility; decent and fair work; migration; global inequality.

Environmental Sustainability: Healthy ecosystems, biodiversity and conservation are essential for humanity’s continued security and sustainability, and affect all aspects of people’s lives (climate change; disaster risk reduction; environmental protection; natural resource management; urban decay; water security)

More information can be found at: what is sustainable development for kids - Search (

What is Education for Sustainable Development?

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers learners with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to take informed decisions and make responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society empowering people of all genders, for present and future generations, while respecting cultural diversity. ESD to 2030 aims to further embed the principles of Sustainable Development across the education system both in terms of teaching and learning and also in how we manage and govern our educational environment. 

For more information on ESD, see:

Competition Guidelines

The competition is open to any individual student at primary or post-primary level and will take place in two stages:

Stage 1: Shortlisting will require applicants to submit a photograph(s) of their art work attached to an email. This needs to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024.

Stage 2: Submission of Work will see those shortlisted asked to submit their work to the Department in hardcopy / physical form. Please note that the cost of submitting these artworks will be borne by the applicant / school.


The competition is open to all primary and post-primary students. Entries are invited from the following categories:


Category Title




Primary – Lower

Junior Infants to 2nd class


Primary – Upper

3rd to 6th class


Post-Primary – Junior

Junior Cycle


Post-Primary – Senior

TY/ Senior Cycle

A first, second and third prize will be awarded in each of the four categories outlined above, as well as one overall prize selected from the four category winners. 

Please note that only one entry will be accepted per student. There is no group category and therefore submissions entered by groups of students will not come under consideration.

Criteria and Format of Submission

The ESD to 2030 Art Competition invites individual students to create an artwork in either (A) 2D art form (maximum size A1 or 23.4 x 33.1 inches) or (B) 3D model form (maximum size 30 x 30 x 30 inches).

The theme of the competition is ‘What Sustainabillity Means to Me‘. Students are also required to give their artwork or project an individual title of their own choosing.

In creating their artwork or project, students are invited to consider the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. See THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development ( (See Appendix below).

Students could look to their School’s Sustainability Policy Statement for further guidance and inspiration. See guidelines at gov - National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland (

The artwork or project must be original and must be the work of the individual student. Entrants cannot use anyone else’s work. By entering, you certify that does not infringe the rights of any third party and is not in violation of any copyright.

Students should also consider the sustainability of the materials used for their artwork. 

Awards / Prizes

For each of the categories listed above, the following prizes will be awarded for the individual entrant:

4 x 3rd prize

€100 One-For-All Voucher and a medal – individual entry

4 x 2nd prize

€250 One-For-All Voucher and a medal - individual entry

4 x 1st prize

€500 One-For-All Voucher and a medal - individual entry

One overall winner will be selected from the 4 1st prize category winners. The overall winner will be announced at a prize-giving ceremony to be held in the Department in Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, in early 2025. The overall winner will receive a trophy and a €500 One-For-All Voucher for their school.

All shortlisted entries will receive a certificate.

A virtual exhibition of the winning works will be hosted on the ESD to 2030 webpage and on Scoilnet. and in the Department of Education, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 for a period in 2025.

The winning entries will be featured in the March 2024 issue of the Department’s ESD Newsletter which is circulated to all schools in Ireland.



The projects will be judged by a panel to be established by the Department. 

The decision of the judging panel will be final.

Please note that no feedback will be provided.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted by email by the entrant’s class teacher and using the school’s email address. Please do not send entries from a personal / individual email address)

Please note that the Submission Form below must be completed and submitted by email along with the photo entry and signed Permission Slip (below) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024. Late entries will not be accepted under any circumstances.  The email should be titled ‘ESD Art Competition 2024 – Entry’. Please also re-title your entry form with your own name before attaching it to the email e.g. ‘Joe Bloggs ESD Art Competition…’

Please note that the Department will acknowledge receipt of your application within 5 working days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 5 working days, please contact us immediately to let us know as your entry may have been blocked by our IT system or sent to spam. Only entries that have been acknowledged will be considered by the judges.


For more details click here: