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SEAI One Good Idea


This annual SEAI school competition is open to primary and post-primary schools. Every year students are asked to come up with One Good Idea that will save energy/help tackle climate change/inspire lifestyle changes in the people around them. Students' campaign should show people in your community how your One Good Idea can make a difference to them, their pocket and our planet. Dates to be confirmed. The SEAI One Good Idea has run for the last 13 years but will not be running in 2020/2021. 

One Good Idea video


About One Good Idea 

We all use energy every day at home, in school, and when we travel. Could we use less energy and still meet our needs? Every year we ask primary and post primary students to come up with One Good Idea that will:

  • Save energy
  • Help tackle climate change
  • Inspire lifestyle changes in the people around them

This year we are asking you to make a 1 minute film and launch a creative awareness campaign about it in your community. The film and campaign should show people in your community how your One Good Idea can make a difference to them, their pocket and our planet.

Stage 1 - Campaign Proposal 2nd September - 25th OctoberStage 2 - Regional Finals November - February 2020Stage 3 - National Final 23rd April 2020

Register your team and get working on your proposal.

Shortlisted teams activate their campaign. This involves making their 1 minute film, promoting it in their community and presenting their campaign at the regional finals in February.

Events take place: Cork 24th February, Limerick 25th February, Longford 26th February and Dublin 27th February 2020

The winners of the regional finals compete at the National Final in Dublin.


The SEAI One Good Idea National Final scheduled for 23 April in Dublin has been cancelled. SEAI are currently considering alternative options to conclude the competition with the finalists. Once concluded we will post details about the winners here.

To access the SEAI Website, please click here

Our One Good Idea finalists from 2020 joined us for a virtual final where they showcased their video campaigns. They presented some innovative ideas for saving energy and tackling climate change. Read more about our Winners below.

Primary Winners 2020

Team: The Party Bag Busters
Topic: Climate Action
School: St Clare's Convent National School

Post Primary Winners 2020

Team: The Binjas
Topic: Saving Energy at School
School: Dunmore Community College



Well done to Meanscoil Gharman, Enniscorthy Co. Wexford who won the SEAI One Good Thing Junior Competition in 2018

About the campaign

The Food Fanatics wanted to get people to take action on climate change! The team set up an awareness campaign aimed at educating primary and secondary school students about food miles, our carbon footprint and climate change. The students got very creative with the production of T-shirts showing off their campaign logo in an effort to raise awareness of their One Good Idea.


A quiz took place which was presented to students along with an informative presentation. Meanscoil Gharman have been very supportive of the team’s goal to educate young people about climate change and have shared their work on Instagram. Posters have been made and circulated around the school and a speaker was invited in order to encourage students to think about purchasing locally made products.